The school has six spacious well equipped laboratories for the Life Science, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematic, Social-Science, and Computer. The students perform their practical and gain first hand experience and information of the basic principles in these disciplines. The labs provide the students a fully interactive & engaging set of experience that helps them in investigating, applying & conceptualizing the key concept they learn in their science classes. Every subject has two aspects: theory & practical, understand a subject more easily & perfectly, the theoretical means is not sufficient. The 3-D structure, figures can be taught more effectively through an LCD screen which is kept in our science lab. By means of which geometrical concepts, 3 D arrangements & theorems are taught more successfully. Science is a bunch of information. It is something you do in a lab, like mixing together different chemicals & heating them up to see what happens. Good science lab creates a “Scientifically literate populace”- a society in which everyone is able to explore ideas, test them out. measure & evaluate results in a clear-minded way. All this makes this vital subject simpler, easier & fun to learn.